Frozzys Blog

The Baobab Tree: Nature’s True Tree of Life

The Baobab Tree: Nature’s True Tree of Life

Discover the baobab tree, known as the Tree of Life, and its powerful benefits for dogs. Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, fibre, and calcium, the baobab superfruit supports gut health, immunity, and digestion

Dog Dental Health: Keep Your Dog's Smile Healthy and Strong!

Dog Dental Health: Keep Your Dog's Smile Healthy and Str...

Keep your dog’s smile healthy and fresh with essential dental care tips! Learn how to prevent dental disease, bad breath, and plaque buildup with these expert dog dental health tips.

Transform Your Pet’s Health with a Happy Gut

Transform Your Pet’s Health with a Happy Gut

Your dog’s gut health plays a pivotal role in their overall well-being. Just like humans, a balanced and healthy gut can transform your furry friend into a happier, healthier, and more energetic companion.

Why is My Dog's Poo Runny? Possible Causes & Symptoms

Why is My Dog's Poo Runny? Possible Causes & Symptoms

Runny or loose stool in dogs can be distressing, but there are several reasons this could be happening. Identifying the root cause is key to helping your pup feel better and improving their digestive health. Here are some common causes and solutions:

How to Keep Tails Wagging This Winter: Cozy Up and Keep the Fun Going!

How to Keep Tails Wagging This Winter: Cozy Up and Keep the ...

With just a little planning, you can ensure that your dog remains active, happy, and well cared for all season long. From mental stimulation and cozy bonding to keeping those paws in tip-top shape, winter can be just as exciting for your pup as any other season. 

New Year, Happy Gut

New Year, Happy Gut

Kick off the New Year with a Happy Gut! Did you know your dog’s gut health affects everything - from digestion and energy levels to mood, immunity, and that shiny coat you adore?